Thursday, May 19, 2011

Natural Mask for Dry Skin

Even in Spring our skin can get dry, the weather is getting warmer, but every now and then it chills again making our bodies confused as well as our skin.

Here is a great simple recipe, that is so yummy you can eat it to!!

I recommend using it all around your eye lids, even your mouth, just be careful. It may look more glamorous for the pictures on the magazines leaving nice circles around them, but you need to nourish those delicate areas too.

A great simple recipe for Dry Skin in Spring:

Yogurt Banana Mask

  • 1 Tablespoon of plain yogurt
  • 1/2 a ripe banana
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil

In a blender mix the 3 ingredients.

Apply this mask for 5 minutes.
Rinse with warm water
Gently dry your face.

Stay Healty,
Citlali Chevaili

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Fall skin care

At this time of the year we receive many calls from people who worry about their dry skin, or start getting really flaky skin.

As the climate changes it take a while for the skin to adjust to the temperature and environment and alot of people get this common symptoms.

For some people this is a problem throughout the fall and winter. Our Seaweed soap contains 2 kinds of seaweeds, 11 botanics and to top it off dimethicone, which is a skin protectant.

Many of our clients call us in a panic because they are running out of soap and they need it right away because it helps them get rid of this flaky dry skin.

This winter try it and also try the Seaweed Toning Gel, together they make a wonderful combination.

If for some reason you can't buy this product at this time, this is a homemade recipe that my grandmother taught me and it works:

Dry Skin Homemade Scrub

1/2 Cup of Sugar
2 Lemons or Limes

In a bowl combine the sugar and the lemon juice. Once it is made into a paste go to your shower and rub your skin or the places that tend to be really dry and massage in circular motions.

Do this for 2-3 minutes, and rinse with warm water. Your skin will be flake-free and really soft.

Apply the regular body cream you would use.

I hope you like this recipe and I will continue to post natural skin care recipes.

Much Health,
